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Using Touch ID for `sudo`

macOS is really good at not making you use your login password. Really good. Keychain passwords, new device plugins, setting changes, all can be done via TouchID, which (particularly for those of us with lengthy passwords) is extremely useful. One place you can't by default use TouchID is for sudo, however it can be enabled manually.

/etc/pam.d/sudo is the file used to control the parameters needed to successfully use sudo.

The structure of /etc/pam.d/sudo

You can skip this part if you only care about getting TouchID working

The /etc/pam.d/sudo file is a type of PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module), which is used for granting and denying access to services.
It is quite powerful, and here I will only cover the subset used by the sudo PAM. A more comprehensive guide to PAM syntax is covered on the man page.

This is how the file looks by default:

# sudo: auth account password session
auth       sufficient
auth       sufficient
auth       required
account    required
password   required
session    required

Comments begin with # in PAM files, and after that it consists of a series of tab-seperated 3-column rows with the following syntax:

service    type    control    module-path    module-arguments

Of course, this has 5 columns and the file above only ever uses 3.
The service column is only used by the root /etc/pam.conf file, and for any /etc/pam.d/<SERVICE> file, service is implicit. For example, service is sudo in our file.
The module-arguments column can be used, but none of the modules used here need any arguments, so it is ignored.

The order of the file is significant, as it is processed line by line.


There are 4 different types of management group, which is what this column represents:


There are 6 different control values, but we will only cover the 2 relevant to our PAM file, check the man page for others.

For example, let's show the execution flow for the following PAM file:

(Note: the file doesn't really make sense as an actual PAM file, it is just a demo)

auth    required
auth    required
auth    sufficient
auth    sufficient always passes, and always fails

However, even though execution has stopped, a previous required module had failed. Therefore, authentication fails.


The modules are relatively self-explanatory - these are the actual libraries used to authenticate. A few note worthy ones:

Adding TouchID support

The line we need to add is as follows:

auth       sufficient

This line says to use the TouchID PAM module ( as an authentication module, and consider it passing sufficient authentication.
We want to insert it at the top of the module, so it runs before, which will prompt for a password.

Note that as this is a system file, it is restricted, and editing it will require sudo.

This unfortunately gets removed every OS update, so I put a little script to add it in a ZSH plugin ($ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/touchid-auth/touchid-auth.plugin.zsh) and then add that to my ~/.zshrc plugin list.

# add line if not currently present in file
grep -qx 'auth\s*sufficient\s*pam_tid\.so' /etc/pam.d/sudo || {

  # Take the first line (the comment line) from the auth file
  head -1 /etc/pam.d/sudo >> $tmp

  # Insert our line as the first real line of the file - this ensures TouchID is tried _before_ password
  print 'auth       sufficient' >> $tmp

  # Copy the rest of the file
  tail -n +2 /etc/pam.d/sudo >> $tmp

  # Save to the auth file
  prompt='Trying to enable TouchID for `sudo` but command does not have `sudo` access - enter password to continue: '
  sudo -p "$prompt" cp /etc/pam.d/sudo /etc/pam.d/sudo.bak
  sudo -p "$prompt" mv $tmp /etc/pam.d/sudo

  print 'TouchID enabled for `sudo` - old `sudo` auth file backed up to /etc/pam.d/sudo.bak'

  # No need to remove the temp file because we moved it