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Creating a new command buffer system for Voltium

While writing the Vulkan backend for Voltium, and absent mindedly pondering the OpenGLES backend that will be inevitable for mobile support,
I started to cringe at how crinkly and fragile the current (preprocessor-based) backend system was. I realised that for maintenance reasons, decoupling the API agnostic frontend
and the API specific backend is essential. However, performance is still as much of a priority as ever, and any move away from this must justify its design by enabling new optimisations
and being a fast, efficient API, for both the front and backend.

There were 2 main methods to doing this that immediately came to mind:

The virtual approach is probably the most intuitive to a C# developer. However, it has a few issues:

The multiple DLL approach is very interesting, and I still think it is a novel and performant approach, but it isn't flawless:

However, someone else suggested I investigate using a software command buffer format, where I encode my own commands instead of immediately calling the native API, so I investigated this approach.
The general gist is that you emit some form of stream or array of commands when the commands are actually recorded, and at a later stage (e.g when the commands are actually submitted to the GPU)
the commands are encoded via the native API.

Motivations for this approach

This design meets all the design goals I wanted for Voltium's command API. Principally:

Stream design

The design priorities of the stream are:

The most intuitive design to a C# developer might be something like:

abstract class Command;

sealed class DrawCommand : Command;
sealed class BeginRenderPassCommand : Command;
sealed class DispatchCommand : Command;
// etc

and using a Command[] to encode the commands. However, this has a few major drawbacks:

Using an enum to represent each command type, and then a struct which can be any command, results in the most cache-friendly parsing pattern.
Having a struct which just contains every command is infeasible due to the size of the struct, so a union is required. However, this still has ineffeciency. Consider an EndRenderPass command.
This needs no parameters at all, so why should it take as much space as a BeginRenderPass command which takes a large amount of metadata? To solve this issue, commands in the buffer are variable size.
Each command can either be:

The command format is entirely API agnostic, and serializable. Due to the variable-length nature of the encoding, command types must be unmanaged (as the GC cannot understand the offsets of object refs in the buffer). Most objects (pipeline state objects, buffers, textures, acceleration structures, query heaps) are represented by strongly-typed opaque uint64 handles. These handles are serialization friendly (a mapping can be serialized to indicate which handles represent which types of objects, or the actual objects the handles represent can be serialized for a fully independent replayable command buffer).

Using these formats also brings in other implicit advantages:

Encoding a command buffer

Encoding a command buffer must be fast and non-complex. There are 3 primary types involved in encoding a command buffer:

interface ICommand
    CommandType Command;

// example:
struct CommandDraw : ICommand
    public CommandType Type => CommandType.Draw;

    public uint IndexCountPerInstance;
    public uint InstanceCount;
    public uint StartIndexLocation;
    public uint BaseVertexLocation;
    public uint StartInstanceLocation;

ContextEncoder allows you to emit commands in 3 manners:

void EmitEmpty(CommandType command);

This method is used to emit commands with no parameteres, and simply writes it to the stream and advances.

void Emit<TCommand>(TCommand* pCommand) where TCommand : unmanaged, ICommand;

This method is used to emit a fixed-size command, such as a draw:

var commandDraw = new CommandDraw
    IndexCountPerInstance = indexCountPerInstance,
    InstanceCount = instanceCount,
    StartIndexLocation = startIndexLocation,
    BaseVertexLocation = baseVertexLocation,
    StartInstanceLocation = startInstanceLocation,

_contextEncoder.Emit(&commandDraw); // CommandType is inferred from the ICommand interface
void EmitVariable<TCommand, TVariable>(TCommand* pCommand, TVariable* pVariable, uint variableCount) where TCommand : unmanaged, ICommand where TVariable : unmanaged;
void EmitVariable<TCommand, TVariable1, TVariable2>(TCommand* pCommand, TVariable1* pVariable1, TVariable2* pVariable2, uint variableCount) where TCommand : unmanaged, ICommand where TVariable1 : unmanaged where TVariable2 : unmanaged;

These methods allow you to emit variable-length commands, such as binding 32 bit constants to the pipeline:

uint* pConstants = stackalloc uint[] { 1, 2, 3, };

var command = new CommandBind32BitConstants
    BindPoint = BindPoint.Graphics,
    OffsetIn32BitValues = 0,
    ParameterIndex = 1,
    Num32BitValues = 3

_contextEncoder.EmitVariable(&command, pConstants, command.Num32BitValues);

Decoding a command buffer

Decoding a command buffer is designed to be a simple serial iterative process (it is explicitly not designed for parallel decoding).
The ContextDecoder type provides AdvanceEmptyCommand/AdvanceCommand/AdvanceVariableCommand which map to the above Emit methods, but advance the pointer instead of emitting anything.
It is then simply a case of switching on the command type and emitting the appropriate native commands or validation. A command decoder is not permitted to modify the buffer, as the buffers are resubmittable, and the underlying memory is reused when reset.


This format allows a variety of optimisations to take place on the buffer format, including, but not limited to:

The expected use of the serialisation is that a large set of buffers will be serialized at once (and it is likely they were recorded in parallel), in preperation for a single call to
ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists or vkQueueSubmit - so the buffers will have been recorded without knowledge of each other, but are submitted together. This allows us to perform optimisations
the individual buffers can't. Exciting! 😃

A key one is redundant state-change elimination. We can notice if calls to SetPipeline/SetBlendFactor etc don't actually change the set state across a command boundary (or within one, but
that is less likely to occur), and simply not emit said calls to the native API.

We can also merge and eliminate barriers. The Voltium barrier API is "closest" to the D3D12 one, where pipeline stages + image layouts are combined into the idea of a "resource state"
(e.g, PixelShaderResource is the same image layout as NonPixelShaderResource, but a later stage of the pipeline). When we are given a set of barriers in a command buffer, or across a buffer,
we can notice this (by using the PeekCommand methods) and attempt to merge the barriers by picking the minimum set from the barriers that achieves the consumer's desires.

Normally, a decent amount of work goes into making sure your command allocators are running ideally, which consists of 2 approaches:

The virtual command buffer approach eliminates this, because only a single allocator is required and it only grows when a submission is larger than before (which also means it can be trivially reset).
The actual buffer the virtual commands are recorded into uses managed GC memory from an ArrayPool<byte>.

Future optimisations

PGO (Profiling guided optimisation) - by recording hueristics about various passes/lists (via things like decoder-inserted timing queries), we can make optimisation/submission decisions about them.

Command reordering is switching around state settings/copies/draws/dispatches, and merging them, similar to how the GPU and driver naturally will due to the pipelined nature of a GPU, but with the additional information our decoder has. We can merge copies and transform barriers into split barriers, etc.

Work reordering is a coarser-grained version of command reordering, which more closely relates to pass reordering/culling as done by our render graph. Currently it is not a primary goal of the virtual buffer decoder, but it could well be something to explore. We can create keys about each draw/dispatch based on state (pipeline, bound resources, etc) and sort via these keys (respecting dependencies) to minimise state thrashing on the GPU.